Like most artist I loved art from the beginning. From art classes in school to simple craft days with my mom, I knew right away, I love art. I am a self- taught artist and enjoy exploring a variety of mediums. I am always willing to try something new. After many years of experimentation, I have found my absolute favorite medium in Oil paints.
In my opinion, there is nothing better than being able to bring my active imagination to the canvas with oil paints. From classic nature to bizarre portraits, I am able to do it with oils.
I have never been good at expressing myself in writing but when I let my imagination take over, I have been able to create some interesting pieces usually based off daydreaming sessions that come all too often.
I have a great love for animals and nature and like to portray them in many different situations. Cats in sweaters, tricky ravens to elephants preserving their environment on their backs there are no limits. Bringing attention to the precious wildlife that we take for granted has been my focus for the past couple of years.
I believe that humans and nature could work together in harmony if given the chance.
Along with being a very active artist, I also enjoy serving the art community. I currently sit on several art committees and commissions with the goal of maintaining public art programs available to the community. I believe that publicly funded art programs bring awareness to the happiness and joy that art provides. The programs I help maintain also allow beginner artist a place to start. Not everyone can be in a gallery or wants to. Some artists just want to share their creations to make others happy. There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes for these programs, and I am honored to be a part of it.
I currently serve on the Bennett Arts Council (founding member) for the eastern plains. This council has made huge strides on bringing art to the rural area along the I70 corridor of Colorado.
I also serve on the Brighton Cultural Arts Commission. This commission maintains funding for many of the arts and culture programming for Brighton, Colorado. From Galleries to live concerts and theatre to fun summer festivals including my favorite, Art in the Park. I serve on the planning committee for this amazing late summer outdoor art event.
As of 2020, I (along with another artist) have started an arts group in my town called Corridor Creative Arts League. This league consists of a variety of artist all along the corridor and beyond. Beginner artist, photographers, art enthusiast and professional artist meet up every month and participate in a variety of art related “meetings”. We focus on all aspects of art from art history to the creative process. We have hands on art workshops along with educational programs for all levels of artists. We are rapidly growing and look forward to what the future brings.
Another part of my artistic journey includes my pet portrait business, Pet Portraits by Jamie. I decided to start this business because of my love for dogs. I have three of my own and would have more if I could, but these three keep me on my toes! After experiencing the loss of our beloved yellow lab in 2016, I painted a portrait of him and realized that I have a knack of capturing the personality of our fury friends quite well. Because I paint a lot of animals in my everyday creations, pet portraits are very enjoyable for me to produce. Please visit my pet portrait website for information on how to order and other information on my pet portrait process. www.petportraitsbyjamie.com